Based on the latest developments in neuro-technology
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Emotiv Epoc Neuroheadset - A headset that reads your brainwaves
Our communication with machines has always been restricted to direct physical forms, whether it be as simple as turning on the lights with a switch or even as complex as programming robotics, we are accustomed to give commands to machines in the modern world, but human communication on the other hand is far more complex because of the other factors we take into account such as facial expressions, body language and feelings, this is the focus of this new neuro-technology which is to utilize human interaction into human-computer interaction in order for computers to understand direct human thought command and also respond to human facial expressions and emotional experiences.
Based on the latest developments in neuro-technology
, the Emotiv EPOC is a revolutionary, new personal interface for human computer interaction. The device which is connected wirelessly to a computer is capable of acquiring and processing brain signals through sensors built into the wireless neuro-headset which is tuned into electrical signals interpreted as human thoughts, feelings and expressions. Watch this video to fully understand the full benefit of what is being offered with this new technology.
Based on the latest developments in neuro-technology
Monday, February 14, 2011
How To Become A Pilot - Learn How To Fly An Airplane - The Most Realistic Flight Simulator Ever Created
Wanna experience real flying? Now you can with the most realistic flight simulator
ever created. Fully equipped with accurate worldwide scenery, with different types of interactive airplanes to choose - from the 1903 Wright Flyer to the latest Military Fighter Jets, real-time weather and NASA
flight models
, realistic worldwide terrain based on US defense mapping agency
+ Lifetime FREE updates/upgrades and packed with 20,000+ of the world's real airports
. Used on television episodes and professional flight schools
- this is the most lifelike flight simulator to date...all designed to enhance your real-life flying experience where you can explore the world like never before, this is truly a one of the kind most realistic flight simulator ever. Developed as an alternative to professional flight simulators
for pilot training
, it gives you the experience of flying any airplane
of your choice right from your own computer, thus providing you the flexibility of learning to fly airplanes without ever leaving your home. The flight simulation also features highly detailed time of day modeling and can track the current computer clock time in order to correctly place the sun, moon, stars, etc. in their current and proper places relative to the earth, giving you 100% flight freedom to fly anywhere in the world.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Adaptive Robot Control (ARC)
The airplane manufacturer Airbus UK has put into good use the advance technology of the Adaptive Robot Control
(ARC). Allowing for metrology-assisted production, the Metris Adaptive Control solutions
have effectively proven to achieve advancement in terms of time saving and quality driven production process
. The metrology
enabled into a robotic drilling
solution allows for the metrology device to position, verify, and validate during the process. The K-series uses LEDs to monitor the robot
, the part, the fixturing, and the drilling
, all done in real time monitoring
to instantaneously do corrections on the fly. Successfully implemented solutions have reported a vast reduction in time and zero defects using the Metris Adaptive Solution
. For larger applications such as the use of several robots to complete a larger task, the Metris IGPS system can be scaled up to accommodate any size.
A Sneak Peak Inside Google's Data Center
The Internet search engine giant Google
is revealing to us a sneak peak inside their data center operations at the Google Data Center Efficiency Summit held in Mountain View, California. A video tour of the Google data center
was among those included in the presentation, which showed the Google's use of shipping containers to store servers and storage
. Up to 1,160 servers can be stored isnide each of these 40-foot data center containers, Google claims it has been using them since it began building its own facilities in 2005.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The AMOLED Display from Samsung, A Super Thin Flexible Display Screen
Samsung has been working on a super-thin transparent and flexible display technology called the AMOLED which stands for Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode. This display technology is so durable that the screen can survive any deformations making it rollable, bendable and can even withstand impacts from a hammer. Organic compounds are used in this technology to form the luminous material that lights up the thin film, while the systematic addressing of the pixels on the screen is made possible by the active matrix technology. Although Samsung is yet considering the potential application for this display technology, they are seeing endless application possibilities that will benefit from this technology in the near future. The video demonstrates screen models for smartphones while another video shows transparent see-through screen application models.
flexible thin display,
transparent display
Digital Connected Dermatoscope for iPhones
The popularity of iPhone
s brought an immensely rapid proliferation of iPhone accessories and apps designed for a wide range of industry application. Another concept in revolutionizing the use of Smartphones is shown here in the video implemented particularly as a tool for use in health care. Handyscope by Fotofinder is an alternative to handheld dermatoscopes which is capable of providing clear and sharp dermatoscopic images of the skin with a maximum 20x magnification range. A separate device called the Handyscope is attached to the iPhone which transforms it into a digital dermatoscope for skin examination. Pictures of the patient's skin can be labeled for identification purpose and can be emailed to the physician for remote analysis.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Quadrotors, The Future of Building Construction Workers
If you think the remote controlled helicopter you got last Christmas is awesome, wait till you see this video which shows an impressive crew of miniature autonomous quad-rotors that hovers to grasp and move components working together to build a structure. This technology makes it remarkably fascinating to speculate on the future construction workers lifting assembly parts to construct buildings or skyscrapers. Quadrotors which is a project of the GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania is an automated electro-mechanical machine, which when programmed to work together in tandem makes up an impressive team of robots which can be told what to build and figures out the assembly plan by itself. Quadrotors are fitted with grippers to enable it to pick up parts both vertically or horizontally then tries to attach these parts into place. Equipped with artificial intelligence, the quadrotors can determine on its own if a component is fitted successfully or not, and if ever there's a need to repeat the task then it automatically retries until it establishes a successful assembly of joining building parts into place. A group of quadrotors can also be programmed to obey a synchronized system of work sequence using a program algorithm to make them follow a systematic pattern of work flow such as determining if the first quadrotor is already finish with a particular task so that the next quadrotor can proceed to do its task one after the other in a complete organized sequence.
Artifical intelligence,
remote controlled,
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Revolutionary Text in Photo Translator iPhone App with Speech Pronunciation Feature
Imagine yourself traveling to another country where the climate and the environment and the hostile inhospitableness of the people puts you in a state of culture shock. You wind up finding yourself intimidated not knowing how to approach a total stranger on the street to ask for directions or even not being able to converse properly to state your point in a casual conversation. This situation reminds me of an embarrassing scene in one of Bruce Lee's film back in the 1970s where he played the role of an alienated Chinese from Hong Kong arriving in Rome, that while waiting for his female contact who was running late to meet him in the airport terminal, Bruce suddenly felt hungry and decided to walk into the airport diner to grab a bite but unfortunately didn't know how to read and understand the menu to order his meal from a very impatient waitress. But that was way back in the 1970s where you don't have any other alternative means of communication. Fast track that very same situation to the 21st century and you'll be thankful you have your iPhone handy in your pocket to do the translation for you. Presenting the PicTranslator, a revolutionary iPhone app that translates text in photos which also features an audible live speech function which will demonstrate to you the correct pronunciation of the foreign word allowing you to accurately say the word with proper diction. The attached video demonstrates using the iPhone app to translate the text in photos taken from the iPhone camera, then cropping the portion of the picture which contains the text to be translated then selecting the appropriate language from the app to complete the translation process. PicTranslate initially supports more than 10 languages, so to freely converse in a foreign language without actually learning how to speak the dialect, all you need to do is speak into your iPhone's microphone and PicTranslate will do all the verbal translation for you.
Wireless Electricity
Once again the inspiration behind the theory of Nikola Tesla in wireless technology is extricated in this sci-fi tech demonstration of a cable-free electric power by the world renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which offers an alternative means of harnessing the power of frequency signals to generate electricity. This MIT inspired project named WiTricity headed by Eric Giler envisions a plan to beam electric power through the air to wirelessly power your laptop or recharge your cellphones or even electric vehicles without the need to plug them in to wall outlets again. Early visions of wireless power were actually thought of by Nikola Tesla about a hundred years ago, although it was discontinued for mysterious reasons. Imagine the possibility of not needing to invest trillions of dollars in infrastructure around the world just to put up power lines to transmit power from a generating source to reach the consumers. And how about our dependence on batteries, we may not be aware but there's about 40 billion disposable batteries manufactured every year. The extent and complexities of these conventional methods of power sources are quite cumbersome considering that wires and batteries are becoming more and more expensive and difficult to dispose and handle. The basic concept behind the WiTricity technology is in using resonant energy transfer, given the mechanical construction of a transformer, it consists of two separate coils of wires very close to each other but without any physical contact or mechanical attachment, yet they do actually induce electromagnetic force with each other and transfer energy from one coil to the other coil at a very short distance. What was done here was to separate the coils in the transformer to a greater distance and have similar magnetic power transfer. How does it work? Imagine if you can manipulate a single coil with an attached capacitor to resonate in order for it to pulse at a fairly high alternating current (AC) frequency, then bring another coil close enough to the source that will only work at exactly that same frequency, then you can actually get them to do what is called a strongly coupled and transfered magnetic energy between them. The major concept here is using electricity on one end then turn it to magnetic field and take that magnetic field and turn it back to electricity on the other end.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Mars Exploration Rover, A Robotic Space Mission
An ongoing exploration of the planet Mars which involves robotic space mission using two robotic exploration rovers designed to perform geological tasks is currently undertaken by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) which designed, built, operated and was tasked with the collaboration of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) to manage the project for NASA. The objective of the mission is to gather scientific data of rocks and soils to investigate and find clues of past water activities on mars to study the possibility of sustaining life on the planet. Two robotic rovers named Spirit and Opportunity were already deployed and are still currently collecting scientific information communicated back to earth, both were functioning beyond their initially expected target performance lifespan starting from its primary launch mission since 2003, although there have been ensuing problems encountered recently with the deteriorating performance of the first deployed rover Spirit which is now immobile, still it was retasked to perform as a stationary science platform to maximize its use. The second rover Opportunity is seen here in the video as an improved version of the first rover Spirit. It is fully equipped with a laser gun, a high-tensile strength drilling equipment, a wide array of precision robotic limbs complete with geologic accessories, and an internal built-in spectrometer for analysis of chemical properties of rocks and soil samples.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
SETI, the technology behind searching the far reaches of space to find intelligent life
The Discovery Channel delves into the real perspective of what our first alien encounters will be like, so they met with a senior astronomer of the SETI institute, SETI which stands for "Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence" is a non-profit organization surveying the sky which aims to detect signal transmission from alien civilizations from the far reaches of space. SETI believes in the possibility of finding extra-terrestrial life in the next thousand years with their constant efforts using telescopes to listen to distant galaxies together with the collaborative efforts of NASA's exploration rovers designed to explore the landscapes of moons and planets within our solar system. With such advance technology the possibility of finding alien life form is likely to happen even from very simple micro organisms to advanced intelligent life from distant stars. The SETI Institute is currently building groups of telescopes which is a project that will consist of 350 antennas. SETI suspects there is a better chance of finding life on mars before finding life around the stars. Finding even the tiniest micro organisms on mars may give us the opportunity to investigate further if there is a distinct possibility that life on earth may have descended from mars.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
How To Call An Autonomous Taxi With An iPad
Introducing an autonomous taxi developed by Autonomos-Labs Germany, an unmanned taxi that is fully capable of picking you up at a random location. The car is equipped with a GPS Navigation System, video cameras, several laser scanners and multiple radars all hooked-up to its internal embedded processors which serves as the car's main control center. The video demonstrates using the GPS unit of the iPad to pinpoint your exact location, using the coordinates of your location an autonomous taxi receives your location information and starts driving by itself towards your location. And while waiting you can also track the position of the autonomous taxi from your iPad screen, and once inside the taxi you can also use your iPad to tell the autonomous taxi where you want to go.
Hands-free e-mail and texting through voice command while driving your car
When driving a vehicle the user should maintain focus on the road right? Well it seems Microsoft is introducing an exciting speech integration technology built right into Windows Embedded Automotive 7 platform which will allow drivers the ability to not take their eyes off the road while driving their car and interacting with their in-car infotainment device at the same time, these are made possible by the voice command feature powered by the Windows Embedded Automotive 7 which will enable drivers or passengers to listen to their email messages while in their car or to have the ability to compose and send text messages through voice command while in the car.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Language Translator, Image-Translating iPhone App
The new iPhone Application "Word Lens" is an image translating application which combines augmented reality, real-time translation and optical character recognition software that translates real world foreign worded sentences to the language of your choice using your iPhone camera, at least that was the plan but it initially offers Englsih-Spanish or Spanish-English translation while other languages will be included in the near future.
Ride along in this Futuristic Bubble Car
Check out this miniature egg-shaped two-seater car GM EN-V (Electric Networked Vehicle), not only is it two-seater but it's also a two-wheeled vehicle equipped with a balancing technology. The car also comes equipped with a feature to switch to auto mode where you can just sit back and relax and leave the driving to its GPS-driven navigation system. At one glance the car can be mistaken as a vacuum cleaner.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Free energy that runs a heat powered Stirling engine using Fresnel lens
There's an old adage that says "from acorn to an oak tree", there were lots of innovative ideas conceived in the past which may seem irrelevant at one point but was put to good use afterwards, an example of this is the development of the steam engine by James Watt which led to a large number of further developments. This video demonstrates harnessing the energy of the sun to power an engine using a Fresnel lens capable of taking twelve square feet of sunlight concentrated to as little as one inch of area. The power of concentrated sunlight collected in the magnifying glass has a beam temperature exceeding 2000 degrees Fahrenheit which provides all the heat needed to run a heat powered Stirling engine fitted with a piston enclosed in a cylindrical chamber filled with gas, the gas is usually non compressed air although hydrogen is more preferred, when the gas in the chamber is heated by the concentrated heat coming from the lens it builds pressure that expands to push the piston, providing the power stroke that turns the connected flywheel which is also connected to another secondary piston that pushes the cooled gas back to the primary piston, developing a repeated cycle of the process.
Monday, January 10, 2011
OLED Technology- Future of TV
The technology behind bright clear displays could change in electronic devices. Researchers are developing organic light emitting diodes or OLED technology which sees the potential of giving a very light weight display so thin that it cost less to manufacture because it is a much less complicated technology compared to LCD technology or the plasma technology. Most notable with this technology is the ability to display image without distortion from any 180 degrees position whether sideways, top or front. OLED technology does not need any backlight which gives it versatility with display applications such as transparent displays, mirrors or even flexible thin film rolls. But despite its potential benefit, scientist are still finding ways to improve the lifetime of the display by looking for other more durable molecules which may have more stable properties capable of producing light efficiently.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
A magic multi-tasking mirror? - interactive mirror
"Magic mirror on the wall...who's the fairest of them all..." It seems that the magic mirror of Snow White's evil queen is now a reality. A mirror that can multitask, this is an "Interactive Mirror" which turns reflective surfaces into digital drawing boards. Now dressing room and bathroom mirrors are about to get a lot more awesome. One touch is all it takes to unlock a variety of applications and widgets from touchscreen technology to augmented reality that transform the mirror into a gaming console, a drawing design board, even as a digital portal to browse the latest news updates, it even displays the date, time and weather. The interactive mirror also displays relevant information about real world objects reflected in the mirror. A consumer version of the mirror is currently being developed.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Man Controls Robotic Hand with Mind
For a month, 27 year old Pierpaolo Petruzziello's amputated arm was connected to a robotic limb, allowing him to feel sensations and control the arm with his thoughts. The conducted experiment brings the concept of the bionic man to reality which was long envisioned by science fiction writers. Using only the mind to control a bio-mechanical hand connected to the nervous system, four miniature electrodes were surgically implanted in the amputated arm, the prostetic itself was not implanted but only connected through wired electrodes that help recognize and control the bionic hand. Although similar experiments have previously been attempted, project researchers said this is the first time a patient has been able to make such complex movements in a bio-mechanical hand using only his mind.
Robot Gripper Picks Up Anything
Did you ever have one of those stress balls that helps you relieve mental or emotional strain? Researchers are now using it as a new generation of robotic grippers that grips and holds objects through a combination of suction, friction and geometric interlocking. The advantage of the gripper is it automatically conforms to the shape of whatever it is picking up rather than following a sequence of programming codes to distinguish different types of objects. It can pick up an egg without breaking it, the gripper wraps around the egg which in turn sucks out the air inside the rubber ball making the granular material inside the ball solidify around the egg providing a steady grip on the egg without breaking it.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
NASA's Puffin: Your Personal Aircraft?
Engineers from the NASA Langley Research Center unveiled plans to build a personal flying machine that would run on a set of electric motors. This personal flying machine aptly named Puffin is still in the early stages of development. It is designed with electric propulsion using electric motors which offer a wider range of possibilities than turbines and traditional engines. The aircraft lands and takes off like a helicopter with a tail section that splits open to reveal the landing gear. Once in the air it leans forward and flies like an airplane at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour. The aircraft is propelled by electric motors, very much like an electric fan. Electric motors are quieter, cleaner and lighter than traditional engines. The vehicle is environmentally friendly because it essentially has no emissions. The whole aircraft weighs just 400 lbs.
Pregnant Robot used as teaching tool to train students
Medical students at John Hopkins University are getting a real-life birthing experience when a robot goes into labor. Noelle the robot is a lifelike birthing simulation tool being used to train medical students. It definitely is a great aid for medical students to have a full simulated model that can actually teach realistic maneuvers of uncomplicated as well as complicated actual child birth situations. The robot was constructed for two years and is now being used in real world settings for medical education and for residency education because of its ability to provide actual learning experience without risk since it's better to learn and make mistakes on a robot instead of a real person. Most importantly the advantage of the robot is it can be used as a mechanism to study the medical team as they work together during a birth process especially during a high risk situation.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Flying Car - Urban X-Hawk
At urban aeronautics a revolutionary aviation is truly around the corner. In the form of an areal vehicle it maneuvers like no other flying machines can dare to go between street levels or even on top of buildings. Unlike helicopters, the vehicle has no exposed rotors or propellers which makes it immune to any obstacles, making it possible to hover in direct contact with the wall or the side of buildings. The Urban X-hawk has a patented integrated vane control system that gives the vehicle the unique ability to generate direct and pure lateral forces allowing it to maneuver precisely sideways. The vehicle is extremely compact which gives it the ability to land in virtually any urban space.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Table Saw auto stops when detecting a finger instead of wood
There are around 60,000 medically treated accidents on table saws every year. This inventor developed a system that stops the blade of a saw if it comes in contact with your finger. The system can actually tell the difference between your finger and the wood. The blade has a sensor that detects electrical conductivity, wood is not very conductive so the saw goes right through it, but a salty wet finger is conductive which is detected at less than a thousand of a second, which triggers the system and stops the blade instantaneously.
Car Engine Running on Plain Salt Water
How would you like to run your car on salt water? This inventor wasn't looking for an answer to the energy crisis, he was looking for a way to cure cancer by using radio wave, but by doing so he stumbled on yet another breakthrough, his machine could actually burn salt water, he discovered that his radio frequency generator could release the hydrogen and oxygen from salt water and create an incredibly intense flame which can run a simple turbine engine fueled by nothing more than salt water.
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