Monday, December 27, 2010

Free Electricity


I'm sure everyone may have learned a thing or two about the great inventors of our time, you may have heard of the names Thomas Edison and Marconi Guglielmo in your science history class, but have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla? NOOOO!!! well, he's a great inventor more advanced than Marconi and Edison combined. He is the founder of our modern (AC) Alternating Current power or the electricity widely used in our modern world, a very good example of AC power is the power source most commonly found in our home's wall outlets which serves to power our household appliances. AC power outmoded and superseded Edison's (DC) Direct Current power. Nikola Tesla also envisioned radio frequency signal long before Marconi developed radio signal transmission. This video is a simple demonstration of Nikola Tesla's theory of utilizing air wave signal to generate power. Think of the million possibilities of having abundant and free electricity by using this technology, think of the benefits it will bring to mankind if fully developed at the time when Tesla was alive to see through its completion instead of realizing its significance only now. However, it is clearly understandable that this technology could potentially disrupt the operation of big electric power suppliers, this technology will not be profitable to these conglomerate power generating utilities and they would surely lose global consumer monopoly. I guess you know now why the ingenuity of Nikola Tesla was deliberately removed from the pages of our history books.


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